
The best way to reach us is to use the contact form that you will find at the bottom of the page. We created this website to provide useful information about nipple covers and to help customers select the best nipple covers for their specific needs. To that end our main page offers our recommendations of the Best Nipple Covers available on the market, and more specifically on the website of Amazon.

That being said, before you email us to ask a question, we strongly suggest that you make sure to have read our Nipple Covers Guides beforehand – we wrote these guides specifically to answer some the questions we receive the most often. Therefore, read them first as they may contain the answer to your question.

Moreover, the Amazon pages of the three Nipple Covers brand we recommend on our site also contain very detailed and helpful information that can help you make the right decision before your purchase. You can visit their respective page by using the links in the table below.

The Top Three Silicone Nipple Covers, Compared:

Name/Image Learn MoreWorth It?Rating
Nippies Reusable Silicone Nipple Covers

Nippies Reusable Silicone Nipple Covers

View Pricefull review Definitely. Highly recommended - the best nipple covers we've tested.5 Star Average Rating
Komene Reusable Adhesive Pasties

Komene Reusable Adhesive Pasties

View Pricefull review Good, but not quite as comfortable or sticky as Nippies. 50% worth it.4 Star Average Rating
Pinky Petals Adhesive Nipple Pasties

Pinky Petals Adhesive Nipple Pasties

View Pricefull review Not worth it. Cheap price, but uncomfortable and they only last for 5-10 uses.2.5 Star Average Rating

If you still have questions, please use our user-friendly contact form below. We try to answer all emails we receive within 1 to 3 business days: